Event/Activities, Restaurant/Take Away/Delivery

Pizza Lunch @ Capricciosa

Insalata dello chef capricciosa 10.70€

Fettuccine All’aglio, Gamberi, Olio Basilico e Peperoncino 11,95€

4 Formaggio 10,80€, Molho de tomate, mozzarella, ricotta, gorgonzola e fontina


Event/Activities, Restaurant/Take Away/Delivery, Seasonal

Sardines and Beach in Sesimbra

Event/Activities, Home

A Spanish Guy Irritates Me…

Since I have a all-you-can-ride monthly pass for the public transportations in Lisbon Metropolitan area, whenever I have time I am out to explore the city. Today, I took a bus to Cais do Sodré and rode Ascensor da Bica, one of lifts on an inclined hill.

In Lisbon how people do who get in first for transportations (I observe to figure) is to just respect others who waited longer or someone older or with little children and let them go first, that means there is often not a visible line. When there is a capacity limit to enter a small store, they basically do the same. Sometimes they line up if a lot of people waiting but usually just hang out at the door casually.

In order to ride the Bica I was waiting in the “line.” Then this guy just cut off in front of me, I thought. Because I have seen unrespectful tourists who don’t realize the rule of store capacity, ignore people waiting outside and just enter stores, I assumed that he didn’t realize I was waiting. So I told him “I am waiting here.”

Then the conversation started…and whatever he said irritated me!

He was like…

“Where are you from? Japan? Oh, you speak good English as Japanese. They don’t usually say a single English word.” (So it sounds you know everything in Japan so well, huh?)

“I am a tourist just like you.” (I might look like one but I live here!)

“I am from Spain and I easily understand Portuguese, but it’s almost impossible for you.” (Yes it’s true that you have an advantage, but Hello! You know how arrogant and silly you sound…)

Later the day, I told a Portuguese friend what happened and I was fighting myself not hating Spanish. He says, “Welcome to our world.” He explains that Spanish people are more flank, straightforward and confident than Portuguese. Then Portuguese people hate to be confused like “Portugal is in Spain?” “Are you Spanish?” “Gracias!” and so on so on…Of course! I am so sympathetic since I am often thought Chinese.

I have never told by a single Portuguese, “You speak English well” or “Your Portuguese is bad.” I think it’s because Portugueses don’t judge what language or how good you speak but they care more what you say or what you do or how hard you try.

I know the guy doesn’t represent the entire Spain, so I try to stay calm and cool…but wherever they come from, I don’t appreciate ‘I know everything’ or ‘I am better than you’ attitude in general.

Lunch: Pork Katsu, rice, salad, strawberries @ 12:45 p.m.


Breakfast @ 7:25 a.m.

Event/Activities, Restaurant/Take Away/Delivery

Afuri Ramen with Portuguese Friends

Afuri Ramen Lunch @ 1:30 p.m., Finally our friends tried ramen at Afrui, my favorite ramen in the world. Yes, I say in the world. I didn’t know Afuri in Japan but this is my type of ramen. I had Yuzu Shoyu this time.

A friend showed us the Art School she went and we hung out at Starbucks after…We are so lucky to have wonderful friends!


Breakfast @ 7:50 a.m., I had rice around 11:00 a.m. 😛

Event/Activities, Home

Bagel Breakfast & Garden in Ajuda

Breakfast: Bagel with Compote & Butter (2.30€) + Cafe Latte (2.50€) @ 9:40 a.m.

Event/Activities, Home, Restaurant/Take Away/Delivery

Exploring Campo de Ourique & Bela Vista