Event/Activities, Restaurant/Take Away/Delivery, Sick

Visiting Friends to Start a Project

On the train back to Lisbon, I felt so sick…We took a break at the legendary café Nicola. A little bird visited our table.

Restaurant/Take Away/Delivery, Sick, Sweet & Coffee

Thai Lunch

Breakfast @ 7:00 a.m., Duck rice @ 8:30 a.m., I was not feeling this morning and had to cancel an online call with a friend…

Lunch: Pad Thai + egg rolls & Ginger Chicken + dumplings (7.90€ x 2) @ 1:15 p.m.


Lisbon Day 1

Oh no!

I felt so exhausted and sick when waking up an hour before landing. I have to admit I hadn’t gotten over the cold/stomach flu during a Japan trip a few days before we left Portland.

Landed at 9:30 a.m. A good news is that it’s warmer in Lisbon (18-20 degree C)


First thing we did at Lisbon Airport was getting SIMs.


Taking taxi and arriving at Airbnb. It feels so local, so Lisbon. We love it!


I looks beautiful, but this hill is killing me!!!


This stone sidewalk as well. We had to walk down here to see a real estate agent. She was professional and nice.


I crashed into bed after a meeting with the agent. Couldn’t eat anything. My husband had only sandwich from a supermarket nearby.

Our first day in Lisbon was beautiful but tough and bitter.